The Crisis of 2008: Fear as Control and Ideological-Media Business

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Ramón Reig


This article provides an interdisciplinary theoretical study, supported on some empirical examples of content analysis and other of hearings, in relation to the economic crisis of 2008 and its effects on the receiver, specified at this time on fear, insecurity and anxiety that a situation confusing provokes. It is believed that the market economy is responsible for the crisis, it is believed that this is an exhausted system, despite which the media have become a myth taken by the citizen as its own. When the myth goes into crisis, the citizen also goes. However, this has not been prepared to confront the problem from the optical intellectual and emotional, drawing on their innate and cultural trends, studied and promoted by the myth-market.


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How to Cite
Reig, R. (2018). The Crisis of 2008: Fear as Control and Ideological-Media Business. Razón Y Palabra, 22(1_100), 151–171. Retrieved from


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