Rethinking in the Conservation. Otherwise

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Franklin Gavilánez-Elizalde


Rethinking the conservation of nature, otherwise, it is a work that presents the biological individuality by endosymbiotic incorporation occurred by the action of microalgae, archaea, cyanobacteria and proteobacteria and that gave rise to the eukaryotic world, in the eagerness of recognize in these organisms their intrinsic non-instrumental value. We argue that the non-human living nature also have a purpose, the desirable, as a good-for-itself, as the teleological or sensun, not mechanistic, where a knowledge would not necessarily act, but a "minimum will" of their being to self-transcend, hence, anthropocentric actions should not interrupt it. An aim does not reside only in conscious subjects because it is not necessarily linked to consciousness. The non-human nature also possesses its own subjectivity, although dispersed, dispersed in its structuring parts or in its cells. This evolutionary complexity had its beginnings in a microalgal swimming cell reaching an organization of the ecological level, whose purpose is life. Both the conservationist discourse and the legal praxis that have recognized the intrinsic value of nature through Ecuador's 2008 Constitution, apparently, are not enough. We think it is necessary to resort to the interpretation of nature as an open text from a hermeneutic of the text for the practice of a renewed eco-ethics, in another way.


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Gavilánez-Elizalde, F. (2019). Rethinking in the Conservation. Otherwise. Razón Y Palabra, 22(3_102), 439–455. Retrieved from


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