The Islamic veil during times of COVID-19 Analysis of the representation of women with hijab in the Spanish digital press during the five waves of the coronavirus

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Elena Robles-Mateo
Laila Taouati-Lamchachti


Since the first state of alarm in Spain due to the global pandemic by covid19, the media have increased their influence on the population. This fact, added to the health crisis, has emphasized social and class differences, increasing negative stereotypes about minority and vulnerable groups, such as the Muslim community. The media use iconographic and textual symbols to project ideas on the reader for certain purposes according to the intention of their message. The Islamic veil has become one of the symbols of the presence of Islam in Spain. This work bases its hypothesis on how the media uses the Islamic veil as a symbol for the negative stereotyping of the Muslim community during the global crisis due to covid-19. To address this issue, this article aims to learn about the media treatment used by Spanish digital media to cover news that mentions women wearing Islamic veils/hijabs during the first five waves of the coronavirus. The methodology used is of a mixed nature, using discourse and textual content analysis, as well as visual analysis as research methods. Google search and display tools have been used. The main results reflect that the news mostly has a negative tone whose content is largely related to international war conflicts, terrorist attacks and generally represents Muslim women as victims and oppressed. It is concluded that this symbolic-semantic relationship is intended to attribute negative connotations from external contexts to the female Islamic garment. In this way veiled Muslim women are stigmatized, charging them with responsibility for international conflicts. This fact in times of global crisis would further aggravate her work, economic and personal situation in Spain, thus preventing her integration into society.


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Robles-Mateo, E., & Taouati-Lamchachti, L. (2022). The Islamic veil during times of COVID-19: Analysis of the representation of women with hijab in the Spanish digital press during the five waves of the coronavirus. Razón Y Palabra, 26(113).


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