The “spectacle” as the genesis of fake news

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André Cechinel
Rafael Rodrigo Mueller
Ismael Gonçalves Alves


In contrast to the understanding that fake news constitutes only the inversion of the “truth”, the “truth” converted into a “lie,” this article intends to associate the notion of “fake news” to the contemporary developments of the concept of spectacle. coined in 1967 by Guy Debord. To this end, the argument is divided into three main points: the relationship between spectacle and excited society, as elaborated by Christoph Türcke (2010); the reduction of political debate to a politics of effect, linked to the notion of “self-circulation”; finally, the consolidation of what Pierre Laval and Christian Dardot (2016) call the “new way of the world”, a rationality based on a mode of entrepreneurial and narcissistic subjectivation. What the article wishes to demonstrate, in short, is that without reflection on these dimensions, the debate on fake news becomes innocuous.


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How to Cite
Cechinel, A., Mueller, R. R., & Gonçalves Alves, I. (2022). The “spectacle” as the genesis of fake news. Razón Y Palabra, 26(113).


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