Las tecnologías digitales: ¿una vidriera de signos?

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Fernando Andacht
Marina Prieto


This article uses a semiotic approach to develop an analysis of a key communicational phenomenon in contemporary societies that is associated with the use of social media of both protagonists of the Netflix series You – Joe Goldberg and Beck Guinevere (specifically Instagram, Twitter and Whatsapp). We aim to study the ways in which they participate in communication processes with the technology available in social media. The perspective is immanent: neither audience reception nor the economical or historical aspects of this process are considered, only its sign-generating dimension. How do signs function in the everyday use of social media in this fiction? What kind of interpretation these characters make of social media? What changes have our ubiquitous digital media introduced in communicational behavior, in the ways of generating meaning? From a semiotic perspective, we analyze a universal element of the human condition: the use of signs to communicate with each other.


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How to Cite
Andacht, F., & Prieto, M. (2020). Las tecnologías digitales: ¿una vidriera de signos?. Razón Y Palabra, 24(108).
Author Biographies

Fernando Andacht, Universidad de la República

PhD en Comunicación e Información. Profesor titular e Investigador (SNI-ANII, Nivel II) Universidad de la República (Uruguay)

Marina Prieto, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba

PhD en Comunicación Social Investigación en Centro de Estudios Avanzados (CEA). Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (Argentina).


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